Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went on a school field trip to a farm in Snohomish for a 100-yard ride in a wagon to a pumpkin patch. Each kid picked a pumpkin.

N was grossed out by the dirt on her pumpkin--odd reaction given that she doesn't mind picking vegetables from our garden. L just wanted to get back to see the animals in the petting zoo.

Favorite part about the field trip: the tractor ride (N), picking a pumpkin and eating ice cream (L), the drive (me).

1 comment:

  1. Of course you know that my favorite part would have been the ice cream! Looks like it was chilly in Snohomish.
    Love your new profile picture, Danielle. Did you recognize that mine was taken in your house some years ago?
